What to Expect

We can’t wait to meet you and your pets!

Every visit with our veterinarians includes a full physical exam from nose to tail. We check eyes and ears, heart and lungs, musculature and range of motion. The doctor will perform a complete oral exam, discuss preventive dental care and grade your pets overall dental health. When coming in for your first visit, please bring any records you have along with any other information regarding your pet.


If you have it available, please bring a list of any medications, supplements, vitamins your pet may be taking as well as all foods and treats your pet eats. You can even take pictures with your smart phone if you are unsure of the pronunciation of a medication, or if the medication is no longer in the original container. Any paperwork from a breeder, shelter or previous veterinarian are also helpful.


Dogs need to have a yearly blood test to check for heartworm infection and set up yearly prevention. Your pet will also be screened for external parasites so we can provide the best and safest flea and tick prevention. For a mature pet, the veterinarian may recommend other diagnostic tests to screen for diabetes, kidney disease, liver dysfunction or thyroid problems. Detected early, animals can be treated for these conditions with a good quality of life.

Also, bring a list of any questions or concerns you might have. And if your pet is ill, or exhibiting an unusual behavior, making a strange sound, having any sort of episodes or limping, film it! Pets love to hide their symptoms, and the limp they had for the last 2 weeks might suddenly vanish when they come through the door and smell the biscuits.


The vet’s office is the only place on earth where we are happy to see poop, so you should bring in a stool sample so we can perform a fecal check to screen for intestinal worms and single-celled parasites. Your visit with the doctor is also the best time to discuss bowel and bladder habits, diet and nutrition as well as behavior.


One other thing you can do to plan for your first visit is to come approximately 15 minutes early. The front office staff will provide treats for your pet while they enter your information into our hospital records and get everything ready for your appointment. If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to call the office!


Your puppy or kitten are examined as they grow, usually every 3-4 weeks, by a veterinarian to assess their development and track milestones.

At each of these visits, the doctor will examine your pet from nose to tail. Eyes, ears, heart, lungs, tail, and toes – we check it all! Their mouth will be examined to be sure that their baby teeth are being replaced by adult teeth in proper order. The heart, lungs, muscle development, and neurological development will be will be evaluated, assessed, and tracked. The tummy and abdomen will be examined in a process called palpation, and your pet’s boy or girl bits will be checked for proper development and any possible infection.

We will also check for parasites, and discuss the best medications to protect your pet from both external parasites such as fleas and ticks, as well as internal parasites like roundworms and heartworms. After the full physical exam, the doctor will discuss the findings with you and answer any questions you may have.

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